Wednesday 2 April 2014

Heaps & heaps of cinnamon!

My day started out with cinnamon tea, followed with cinnamon bun oatmeal!

Today I actually used pre-grounded oats (I usually just grind the whole oats in my hand for a bit before mixing the dough together) so it turned out more like a muffin! A very, very delicious one! Since I have rediscovered this wonderful snack/breakfast I will most likely consume it at all times… for about four days or so. Then I move on to something new! I complemented this lovely bowl of oatmeal with some fruits because a meal without fruits and veggies is an incomplete meal!

When I got back from university I was starving, as per usual, so I figured that I'd make a green smoothie really quick but to my horror I realized that we were out of bananas. And I was way too hungry for a trip to the store. So I made a banana-less chocolate smoothie with some protein powder in and to that I had a few servings of this…

Some dates mashed with lots of cinnamon and a little water then a couple of apples sliced up tasted way better then I imagined it! The date and cinnamon paste is actually the same "recipe" as the filling in my cinnamon bun oatmeal!
I must say that even though my lunch lacked bananas I am quite pleased with it, I am a sucker for fresh fruit and chocolate after all!

After lots of studying and a workout that contained pretty much everything (dance, yoga, strength, cardio and so on) I felt the need to refuel! Since it was dinner time I quick whipped up some veggies, rice and sweet chili tofu.

Easy and delicious has pretty much been my motto of the day it seems! 

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